Monday, January 25, 2021

Getting Old Really Is a Bitch

Roughly two years ago, I started having numbness and tingling in both of my arms. I had a MRI done of my neck. I then went to a neurosurgeon who suggested I get an Electromyography (EMG). He was certain I had carpal tunnel in both arms. In fact, he said, call me after the EMG to schedule surgery. I on the other hand was not convinced that I had carpal tunnel in both arms.  The doctor who performed the EMG told me right then she saw no signs of carpal tunnel. I contacted the surgeon and his nurse told me that because I didn't have carpal tunnel, he wasn't going to see me again. I went back to my family doctor. He ordered physical therapy.  I started physical therapy a year ago. It helped while I was there. It was basically a very expensive massage. When COVID hit last March, I stopped going to physical therapy. My family doctor sent me to a neck surgeon. He suggested a disc replacement. He said I could have the surgery on Friday and be back to work on Monday (mmm...not sure how I feel about that). My family doctor started me on Gabapentin which is a nerve medication. He also prescribed Meloxicam which is a stronger Ibuprofen. I made an appointment with pain management to discuss injections. Surgery was scheduled for an injection.  He suggested I take the Meloxicam everyday (opposed to as-needed).  He said it would help with my arthritis.  Which it did. After meeting with the doctor, I had to give a urine sample which did not go well with his staff.  Needless to say, I did not go back for the injection.  I went to a second pain management doctor who also suggested an injection.  I scheduled the injection. The only relief I received from the injection, was the drugs they gave me beforehand. The injection wasn't too bad. It just felt like pressure on my neck. I had the injection in the fall of last year.  A few months ago, I started going to a chiropractor. Once or twice I felt a little better when leaving, but otherwise had no relief. The chiropractor suggested I work on eating anti-inflammatory foods. That consists mainly of meat, eggs, nuts, fruits/veggies. I am not saying he's wrong but I didn't want to be preached to when I go in and get an adjustment. Because I was not finding it beneficial, I have stopped going. 

Around Thanksgiving, I started having very bad stomach pains.  The walk-in doctor I saw suggested I stop taking the Meloxicam because it could cause bleeding ulcers. Great, the one thing I felt was helping my arms, I was told to stop.  

I started dry needling last week.  I am going twice a week for four weeks. I am hopeful this will provide me with some relief. 

The last two weeks I have not slept well at all. Initially, it was because I was going to start my period. Who knew that insomnia was a precursor to starting your period? I have always noticed that I don't sleep as well before I start my period. It has definitely gotten worse these last few months. According to Google, it is because of the change in your estrogen and progesterone levels. My sleeping did not improve after I started my period. 

I am not sleeping because I am in pain and uncomfortable all the time. I wake up and both arms are completely asleep. My neck has been really stiff the past few weeks too.  I don't drink or do drugs - I sleep! I have not felt mentally refreshed for a couple of weeks now. I wake up in the middle of the night and just lay there. Friday when I got off work, I was so exhausted. I thought surely I won't make it until 8:00 p.m. I was up until after 11:00 p.m. Because I cannot get enough sleep to feel refreshed, I am extremely grouchy. I feel horrible being around my friends and being so down. 

A lot of people struggle through these first few months of any new year. The holidays are over. It's too cold to be outside. There are no days off until Memorial Day. All of this is exacerbated by COVID. Last night I Googled flights to California. I see today that California lifted the stay-at-home order. I could possibly go out there for a long weekend. However, with my neck pain being what it is, I am not sure how I would do on a plane and carrying my baggage through an airport. 

I know right now is just a little more rough than usual. I am trying with every fiber of my being to stay positive.  Since driving is extremely uncomfortable for me, I have been staying home a lot on the weekends.  

I am looking forward to possibly getting the inside of my house painted soon. I would also like to get my tattoo scheduled. 

I take Amelya next Thursday to get a giant cyst removed off her back which I am absolutely dreading. 

A friendship/dating relationship recently came to an end at Christmas. I am physically exhausted fighting for someone who is not fighting for me. I find myself typing a text message to make plans with this person because I miss them so much. I don't hit send though. It's like Julia Roberts says in Pretty Woman. I want the fairy tale. I want the big gesture. I need to feel I am what this person wants and I don't. I am not sure I ever have. Right now I have to let it go. Like I said, I am so tired and the fight is gone. Rightfully so until I get the same energy back. 

Note to self: Ask mom when she went through menopause. I am certain it is on the horizon.

If anyone has feedback on my neck problems, please share! I am eager to talk to others who experience the same type of pain. Did you have surgery? If not, what conservative measures have worked for you?

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