Monday, August 16, 2021

Taking It All In

Not everyone thinks the way you do. That's what my dad tells me.

One of the many reasons I keep my circle small is because I have a tendency of taking on other people's shit. It's not my life and it's not affecting me so why do I burden myself? I can't answer that. I wish I could.  

I have tried to find a book relative to this topic, but to no avail. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life was recommended to me. I didn't get pass the first few pages. That book was horrible.  If you have any book recommendations, please leave them in the comments.  

While listening to Kevin Hart's podcast, Comedy Gold Minds, I noticed he was making comments that he was no longer giving advice. It struck me each time he said it. I knew there had to be a "why" behind his statement. Yesterday, I got the "why." He was talking to David Letterman on his podcast. He said, he had a conversation with Will Smith who said that he found out he was a selfish individual. When he gave advice, it was for people to become me. When you give advice and you're telling people what to do, you're telling them the way you did it most of the time. And if people do not choose to do it like that, sometimes you get upset and go you don't want to win or you don't want to be successful. In return, what you're saying is, you don't want to become me. He had to realize that it was a selfish approach to what he thought was help, wasn't help at all. He said he gives information and they can choose to use it or not.  

WOW. I'm not sure I need that book recommendation anymore. It all makes sense to me now. It was eyeopening in so many ways. I think this approach will help me in the future and allow me to not take on other people's shit. 

When I was on my girls trip last month, three of us were sitting outside at the Inn. It overlooks Lake Michigan. All you see is endless water. I have had this feeling before where I feel like I simply can't take it all in. I'm trying to think of times when I have had this feeling. I can only recall times where I have been by the water. Whether it be standing at Navy Pier in Chicago on the water or in California looking out at the ocean. 

Sure I can be drinking an amazing cup of coffee and stop to take in the taste and smell. Or maybe I am spending time with someone and I can stop and be mindful that I am in their presence and to soak up what remaining time we have together. I can stop and smell the lilacs in my backyard and take it all in. 

When I am near water, I can't take it all in. I make a conscious effort to be in the moment. I close my eyes to smell the water, feel the breeze on my face, and listen to the sound of the waves. I think to myself just five more minutes and I will have taken it all in. My soul is never full though. I'm not sure if any of this makes sense. I did express these thoughts while the three of us were sitting outside. A friend of mine said she knows exactly what I mean. My niece said she had no idea what we were talking about. We laughed. 

I'm glad I can't take it all in because I can keep going back and never have it be enough. I am OK with that.

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