A friend of mine recommended that I read The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. Without hesitation, I ordered it and anxiously awaited its arrival.
I had ordered two other books at that time. When I got all three in the mail, I posted this photo on Instragram.
Much to my surprise, a girl I worked with at Verizon, and the very same girl who when I think of happiness, she comes to mind, commented and said The Secret was very good. She goes on to say that some parts are corny, but she found the beliefs to be true. She made a vision board after reading the book and says that things on her vision board are coming true!
The other night at work, I was reading and one of the finance managers came upstairs. He saw my book and said, "Oh, you're reading The Secret. I've read it at least 15 times." While, I think he was exaggerating a bit, he said the book has really helped him.
What has surprised me most so far about the reactions I've gotten about this book is that the two people who exude happiness and who I look up to when it comes to finding my happiness have read this book. I get frustrated sometimes trying to differentiate my unhappiness versus my depression. That leads me to think that if I was not depressed, my happy state of mind would be completely different. I could be more like these two people. While they may not suffer from depression, and I can't say for certain, they too have to work on themselves.
Perhaps, I'm late to the game. Perhaps, I'm just figuring out what they have already learned and what they have been working on themselves.
While discussing the book at work, I was asked if I write down my goals. Um, what goals? I've achieved my educational and work goals. I've bought a house. I financially take care of myself. Perhaps, I wasn't identifying some of my like to's, want to's, and to-do's as goals. He mentioned he wanted to go to the opera. That's a goal? Just sounds like something you want to do to me. While the opera may not be for me, it did help me start to create a list of goals. By the time I left work, and was driving home, my brain was in overdrive. I had a list I needed to make. I got home and got out that blank journal that had been sitting on a shelf since I bought it at a garage sale. I filled over half the page. I'd like to add some smaller goals such as drinking more water everyday. That way I have goals I can check off sooner than "go back to Niagara Falls."
Now that I've finished book here's just a few my favorites.
It's not a secret if you know me and if you follow my blog, that the main thing I feel that is missing from my life is a significant other. Reading this book has taught me that the energy I am putting out there is what I am going to and have been receiving. For me that means if I meet a new guy, I automatically assume he's going to be a hot mess. I think it's getting worse and that would make sense, because the energy I have been putting out there is worse than it was five - six years ago. I need to change my energy. Like the quote above "Whatever is going on in your mind you are attracting to you."
The Secret also talks about self-love. That term "self-love" has come up a lot recently in my life. My therapist gave me some reading material on feeling compassion. My best friend also told months ago that while I am confident, I don't have self-love. Now that I am still trying to figure out. I need to first define self-love and what that means for me. I presume that'll be another blog at a later date.
I highly recommend reading The Secret. I got mine off Half.com for roughly $2.50 + shipping. Christmas is right around the corner, ask Santa for a copy.
I'm a work in progress, but I think I am taking the right steps finally to help Me.
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